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Binoviewer Systems, Binoculars and Deep Immersion 3D Eyepieces for your Telescopes.
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NEW! February 2024
Ed Ting Reviews The Binotron 27 Super System and The LOA 21 3D Eyepieces!
Binotron 27 Review
Omg! Last night was first light through the 7” refractor. I finally was able to use the 3d 21 eyepieces. As we say down here HOLY S--T! The swan was floating in space! The shot of the night was m22. It was not subtle. It was a religious experience. I just laughed and laughed and still can’t get the smile off my face.
In a nutshell, everything you told me about the binotron wax {sic} right on the money. My mono vision post cataract surgery was not an issue. I can’t wait to use this thing on the 22” this winter. Thank you again! -Doug F.